Paul Revis is founder and director of Set Science (SSF), an organization dedicated to promoting the uninhibited progress of science. SSF’s mission is to unite, echo, and amplify the scientific and academic need for science to progress. He serves as director of development for the Center for Education and Research in Consciousness (CERC) at University of Washingon at Bothell.
As a co-founder of the Institute for Applied Consciousness Technologies, Paul envisions a non-reductionist, consciousness-centric world built upon dignity and respect for self and all life, striving for the highest level of evolutionary accomplishments of individuals and societies.
A lifetime student, Paul’s role as a scientific analyst revealed a passion that science be founded in open discourse and hard research. His sense of justice was inspired by his father, a missionary, Reverend and civil rights activist in Georgia.
Paul has a passion for film and has served as a field producer and camera operator for national television. He plans to channel his chief passion – investigating the nature of reality - into theme-based film productions and continued activism.