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Nélson Abreu was a co-founder of I-ACT who served as its Director of Consciousness Technologies. He also lectured and consulted on Organizational Well-Being for I-ACT. Nélson is an electrical engineer with a focus on smart grid, renewable energy, safety and reliability; and a consciousness technologist, educator, and author. He began experiencing and studying transformative, "multidimensional" consciousness phenomena such as out-of-body experiences (OBEs) in 1998. He has developed the Neuma mindfulness app for our partner NeumaScape Studio, which he co-founded, and co-developed the Phazr vibro-acoustic platform. Both facilitate altered states and profound relaxation for creative and spiritual insight, pain and stress relief. He has developed original workshops and taught about OBEs, subtle energy mindfulness, lucid dreaming, intuition and personal development at IAC since 2003. These experiences have provided Nelson with valuable insights into human relationships, purpose, performance, development, motivation, wellness and happiness. 


He has presented at several universities, conferences, and workshops throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Portugal in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. He  has published a number of articles in blogs, magazines, journals. He co-authored Ordinary People, Extraordinary Experiences and has contributed chapters to four books published in Princeton, London and Melbourne (Filters and Reflections: Perspectives on Reality; Out-of-Body Experiences: An Experiential Anthology; Consciousness Beyond the Body; and Being and Biology).


Nélson became a member of International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL) after interning at the historic Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory. He has previously served as vice-director of Research and Scientific Communication at International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) and as Student Members' Representative for Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE). He founded the Science of Self Club at University of Florida, where he held a number of symposia and workshops with the participation of IAC, ICRL, SSE as well as the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). At UF, he co-designed and served as teacher assistant in one of the first curricular university courses on non-local consciousness.


His studies have encompassed consciousness and its relationship with extraordinary human experiences, as well as creativity and problem-solving, happiness, economics, biological evolution, physics, and engineering. Most recently, he joined leading and emerging minds in the field at the 2015 and 2017 International Congress on Consciousness (Portugal & USA), the Congress of Spirituality, Health and Science (CONOESC, November, Brazil) and Shifting Paradigms Conference (Deakin University, Australia). 


A product of East and West, his family, cultural and civic ties connect him with the former Portuguese State of India (Goa) and Portugal where he was born and raised. He went to high school, university and began his career in Florida and has resided in California since 2012. He is a founding supporter of civil society public policy think-and-do-tank  Nós, Cidadãos! in Portugal. He was twice-awarded the Broward County Volunteer of the Month Award and was honored with the American Airlines / Miami-Herald Silver Knight Award for community service. 


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